Winning with Instagram Stories

Are  you using Instagram stories to engage and connect with your audience?

If not, you should be. Stories are crucial in building your brand identity, showing your expertise and forging valuable connections with your audience.

It's in stories that you get to show up everyday, several times of day, in front of your audience. It's these daily interactions that not only keep you front of mind but give you the opportunity to build the like, know and trust factor which is crucial for any business selling online. 

A look at what is included

Everyday is a story is for you if you are a female service provider, course creator coach or business owner looking to:

Save time and money without the stress of having to constantly create new content

Convert followers into buyers

Establish yourself as an authority in your industry

Skyrocket your story views and engagement

Despite all the new changes on Instagram it's still within stories where you can really make waves for your business.

500 million Instagram users view stories everyday

1 in 4 Instagram users actively look for stories about the products and services they are thinking of buying

Instagram stories are where you get to truly build your brand identity with your audience

It's not simply a case of throwing up any old story and hoping for the best. In order to be effective stories need to be engaging, demonstrate your expertise and build brand authority.

Which is why every prompt, question and engagement point in the Winning with Instagram Stories pack has been carefully and thoughtfully created with these elements in mind.

Meaning you can easily post everyday with minimal effort while confident your stories will be effective in growing your business. 

This pack will allow you to quickly create engaging, authority building stories with minimal effort

 This easy to use pack includes 

365 pre-prepared Canva story templates including questions, prompts and talking points designed to engage your audience, build authority and increase brand awareness.  

A fully comprehensive video showing you how to create engaging stories that build authority and trust with your audience

50 prompts to create video stories helping you to build powerful connections and establish your expertise with your audience

Course Pricing

One Time Purchase

$197 USD

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